An old wisdom says you should not give a knife as a gift, as this symbolically cuts the friendship. Here, we prefer to believe the Far Eastern wisdom, which says that a knife as a gift cuts the band that blocks the path to friendship.
Perhaps more people have taken on the latter message, because Windmillknives have continuously gained in significance in recent years as attractive incentive gifts, both for our existing and new customers.
A handcrafted Windmillknife that cuts well and, moreover, with its handle made of beautiful woods or ergonomically well-formed plastic, lies pleasantly in the hand, is an expression of appreciation for anyone who is given such a craft piece.
Individually marked with your company’s logo, you present your customer or your employee with a lasting memory that he will have in his hands every day. The logo is applied by lasers, either on the blade or on the handle. This branding is especially shown to advantage on the wooden handle. Many knife models or handle materials have their own history, which we enclose with the knives as a small description combined, if you like, with facts and background information about your company.
Just what this can look like can be seen in the examples opposite.
If you are interested, we would be happy to make you an individual offer.